Partnering with companies to create more sustainable business models

Case Study

Double Impact has a standardized impact due diligence toolkit and Impact Blueprinting process, which includes rigorous tracking and measurement of its companies’ impact value creation throughout all stages of the investment lifecycle. As part of this, actively managed companies track company-specific impact and DEI metrics as well as complete a B Impact Assessment within the first 12 months of ownership. Further, Double Impact companies develop strategies and initiatives to improve their impact performance. As a result, companies typically improve their B Impact Assessment score by over 30% during the first year of ownership.

Together, these mechanisms enhance and improve portfolio companies’ performance and positive impact on key ESG dimensions. BlueMark, a leading provider of impact verification with a mission to strengthen trust in impact investing and increase accountability for impact, rated Double Impact’s approach as ‘Advanced’ in December 2020 across all eight Impact Principles – the highest possible score.